【简答题】近年来,我国干旱洪涝灾害频繁发生。北方冬麦区发生严重气象灾害,长江中下游地区发生长时间干旱灾害,南方地区发生多次强降雨过程,一些江河支流发生超警戒、超保证水位的洪水,局部地区发生严重山洪泥石流灾害。我国政府组织动员灾区干部群众奋力抗灾救灾,水利部门及时启动应急响应,加强监测预报预警,科学调度水利工程,加大技术指导力度,有关部门团结协作、共同抗灾,夺取了防汛抗旱防台风工作的阶段性胜利。 上述...
【简答题】A change of state from a solid to a liquid form. requires heat energy.
【简答题】今春我国西南大部分地区发生严重的旱灾,我们在抗旱救灾的同时,更应倡导保护水环境、珍惜水资源。请回答下列问题: (1)不论是自来水还是纯净水,你认为保持水化学性质的最小粒子是______。下列选项中能确认水是由氢元素和氧元素组成的实验是__________(填序号,下同)。 A.水的蒸馏 B.水的蒸发 C.水的电解 D.水的净化 (2)下图是我国部分地区人均水量图,从中可以看出我市是极度缺水的城市。...
【单选题】Substances, whether in the solid, liquid, or gaseous state, possess______ which are independent of the force of cohesion.
【多选题】5多选Materials in solid state may be _________.
【简答题】(10天津市26).今春我国西南大部分地区发生严重的旱灾,我们在抗旱救灾的同时,更应倡导保护水环境、珍惜水资源。请回答下列问题: (1)不论是自来水还是纯净水,你认为保持水化学性质的最小粒子是______。下列选项中能确认水是由氢元素和氧元素组成的实验是__________(填序号,下同)。 A.水的蒸馏 B.水的蒸发 C.水的电解 D.水的净化 (2)右图...
【多选题】Which of the following statements are true regarding solid-state arrays versus tube-based arrays?
Solid-state arrays result in elimination of high-power waveguides.
Solid-state arrays generally result in lower antenna ohmic losses that have to be accounted for in radar sensitivity budgets.
Tube-based arrays don’t degrade as gracefully as solid-state arrays (as a function of component failures).
Solid-state arrays eliminate some of the high-voltage and x-ray concerns associated with tube transmitters.
【单选题】Solid state disk and the USB flash drive can be classified as ()?
【单选题】Major product categories encompass electronic test and measuring instruments, solid-state components, electronic calculations.