【单选题】下列影响企业财务管理的环境因素中,最为直接的是( )。
【单选题】What is NOT the cause of the recent explosion in academic movement?
Many scholars like to find an isolated place in a remote area so that they can concentrate on their researches.
Planes can take scholars here and there.
There are more people working in similar fields than before.
There are more learning centres than before.
【单选题】孙中山将同盟会的政治纲领阐述为“民族”“民权”“民生”三大主义,合称“三民主义”。以下各项中,最能体现“民生主义”的是 ( )
【单选题】According to the passage, many scholars and specialists ______.
believe that Asian-American students have higher I.Q.s and are relatively faster learners
attribute Asian-American students' special academic success to their cultural background influences
claim that Asian American students excel in academic performance because of the superior education of their elite parents
agree that Asian or Asian American parents are apt to get their children motivated to work hard
【单选题】Malthus's economic theory draws lessons from the views of many scholars. The following scholars who have not been used for reference are ( ).
【单选题】分析下列程序 public class People { int age=8; public int Age { get { return age;} } } 则调用下列语句,输出的是? 【 】 People p=new People(); Console.Write(p.Age++);
【单选题】下列影响企业财务管理的环境因素中,最为直接的是( )。