【单选题】患者男,68岁,因发热、咳嗽、胸闷、气短2周收入住院。查体:T 37. 5°C,R 26次/分,口唇发绀。双下肺叩诊呈浊音、语颤明显减弱、呼吸音消失。腹部隆起,叩诊移动性浊音(+)。双侧胸腔积液、腹水呈乳糜样,苏丹染色阴性。胸液、腹液常规均示渗出液,淋巴细胞为主,LDH 1200U/L,CEA明显增高。PPD(+)。最可能的诊断是
【简答题】E-Commerce The Retail Company you work for is investigating ways of increasing market share, including a plan to make use of the Internet. You are members of a group, which has been asked to consider ...
【单选题】_____________________are companies that have a physical presence (e.g., a retail shop in a building) and offer face-to-face customer experiences.
Brick-and-mortar businesses