【多选题】下列关于《路易波拿巴的雾月十八日》所描述的波拿巴正确的有( )
【简答题】在《路易波拿巴的雾月十八日》中,马克思之所以能够入木三分地揭露波拿巴的本质,正是因为他掌握了解释法国事件的钥匙,这就是( )
【简答题】Point out the function of each noun phrase underlined in the following sentences. 指出画线部分在句子中做什么成分。 1.... but she didn't snap through the pages the way he would have done . (para. 45) 2.That was the w...
【简答题】minute quarter date calendar November guess Sunday mix up by the way thanks for 1. your advice and encouragement. 2.Half a later she came in the front door. 3.He marked off the days on a . 4.T...
【简答题】The following sentences are grammatically incorrect or incoherent. Improve them. 1. Anybody would feel the same way if you had a teacher like mine. 2. I read an interesting story in a magazine about s...
【单选题】A. 1. 12 October 1492 was the day when Columbus landed in America. B. 2. A kitchenette is a small room where people cook their meals. C. 3. I like the way she spoke. D. 4. I wonder why someone wanted ...
【简答题】I like eating out in restaurants. In fact , I eat out once or twice a week. My work keeps me very busy during the day. So sometimes in the evening , when I feel very1. , I would like to find a quiet p...