【判断题】如图所示电路,二端网络输入的电流为 ,端电压为 ,则可判定N为为感性负载。( )
【单选题】无源二端网络如图所示。输入端的电压 u=220 cos ( 314t+20 ̊ ) V , 电流 i=220 cos ( 314t - 33 ̊ ) A ,试求此二端网络的由两个元件串联的等效电路的功率因数 cosφ= ,该网络的性质为 。
【单选题】听力原文:M: It's such a nice warm day. I think I'll go and write my report under the oak tree. W: I'd like to join you but I find it hard to concentrate outside, and I need to finish my paper this afterno...
Go and read under the oak tree with the man.
Go and write the report with the man.
Stay at home and finish writing her report.
Stay at home and finish writing her paper.
【单选题】正常1周岁小儿,其体重约为出生时体重的( )
【单选题】加强受压翼缘的单轴对称工字形等截面简支梁,跨中有一集中荷载作用在腹板平面内,下列各荷载作用位置,何者的整体稳定性最好?( )。
【判断题】如图所示电路,二端网络输入的电流为 A ,端电压为 V ,则可判定 N 为为感性负载。( )
【单选题】已知如图所示等直杼的轴力图(N图),则该杆相应的荷载图如( )所示。(图中集中荷载单位均为kN,分布荷载单位均为kN/m)