【简答题】肌注阿托品治疗肠绞痛引起的口干称为() A毒性反应 B副作用 C后遗作用 D治疗作用 E变态反应
【单选题】Mobile technologies give teachers and students——to teaching and learning resources. A. perspective B. expectation C. use D. access
【单选题】阅读下面的文言文,完成下列小题。 丞相董槐召还, 帝问江东廉吏槐首以梦观对帝说乃迁司农少卿兼资善堂赞读轮对谓今内外之臣恃陛下以各遂其私而陛下独一无可恃可为寒心 次论:“郡国当为斯民计,朝廷当为郡国计。乞命大臣应自前主计之臣夺州县之利而归版曹者,复归所属,庶几郡国蒙一分之宽,则斯民亦受一分之赐。”帝善其言。召为起居郎,兼国子祭酒,权吏部侍郎。 1 .下列对文中画波浪线部分的断句,正确的一项是
. 帝问江东廉吏/槐首以梦观对帝说/乃迁司农少卿兼资善堂赞读/轮对/谓/今内外之臣/恃陛下以各遂其私/而陛下独一无可恃可为/寒心/
. 帝问江东廉吏/槐首以梦观对/帝说/乃迁司农少卿兼资善堂赞读/轮对/谓/今内外之臣/恃陛下以各遂其私/而陛下独一无可恃/可为寒心/
. 帝问江东廉吏/槐首以梦观对帝说/乃迁司农少卿兼资善堂赞读/轮对/谓/今内外之臣/恃陛下以各遂其私/而陛下独一无可恃/可为寒心/
. 帝问江东廉吏/槐首以梦观对/帝说/乃迁司农少卿兼资善堂赞读/轮对/谓/今内外之臣/恃陛下以各遂其私/而陛下独一无可恃可为/寒心/ (3.0分)
【单选题】_____ is a collection of Web-based and mobile technologies that create true interactivity among users, most usually allowing users to be both creators and consumers of content.
【单选题】Mobile technologies give teachers and students __________ to teaching and learning resources.
【多选题】房地产经纪机构的经营模式主要包括( )。
【简答题】Mobile technologies promise us access to just such a world whose vast riches we can explore, but in practice, Internet serendipity has come to resemble targeted advertising rather than exciting unexpl...