【简答题】If an offeror makes mistakes in his offer or changes his mind after sending the message, he can always withdraw the offer before _________________ by ____________________ to the offeree, provided that...
【单选题】IP地址能唯一地确定Internet上每台计算机与每个用户的( )。
【简答题】If the offeror promises not to revoke the offer for a stateed period of time on the condition that the offeree pays consideration to keep the offer open, then a/an ____contract has been formed which m...
【单选题】某患者,男,50岁。双膝部酸痛,放射至腘窝部2年。每遇阴雨天及劳累后加重,膝部过伸时疼痛更甚。查体:双膝髌韧带两侧压痛;髌腱松弛压痛试验阳性。X线片未见异常,血清抗链球菌溶血素“O”阴性,血沉正常。该病可诊断为( )
【简答题】If the offeror promises not to revoke the offer for a stated period of time on the condition that the offeree pays consideration to keep the offer open, then a/an ____contract has been formed which ma...