【单选题】Companycom has seven days of vmstat data on four p5 590 production LPARs of four processors each. The data shows that all four LPARs have periodic utilizations of 90-95% lasting several minutes in dur...
A shared pool with four capped LPARs
A shared pool with four uncapped LPARs
Four dedicated LPARs and use DLPAR to manage resources effectively
The server in SMP mode and use WLM to manage resources effectively
【单选题】下列代码编译后不会出现警告或错误的是( )。
【单选题】阅读下面程序: public class OperatorsAndExpressions { void residual { int i=100,j=30; float m=563.5f,n=4.0f; System.out.println(i%j); System.out.println(m%n): } public static void main(String args[]) { Opera...
【单选题】新一轮援疆实施以来,江苏省每年斥资10多亿元对口支援新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州,不仅让当地各族群众看到了变化、得到了实惠,而且进一步增强了受援地的自我发展能力。江苏对口援疆()。 ①是保障新疆经济社会快速增长的关键 ②体现民族区城自治的民族原则 ③是提高新疆自我发展能力的有效途径 ④体现了社会主义新型民族关系