【单选题】我国第一个从事接待外国游客的机构是( )。
【单选题】已知SS=1000H,SP=0100H,则栈顶偏移地址是( )
【多选题】在中国与东盟服务贸易协定中,马来西亚承诺只有马来西亚个人或马来西亚企业参与的合资企业,且外资不超过 30% 的企业可以经营饭店、度假区业务和旅行社,而只有外资不超过 49% 的合资企业可以进行四星和五星旅馆的建设及入境旅游业务。这实质是( )。
【单选题】Other things equal, which one of the following will cause an increase in the effective rate of protection (ERP) in the automobile industry?
A decrease in the nominal tariff rate on automobiles.
An increase in the nominal tariff rates on imported inputs used in making automobiles.
An increase in the world price of imported inputs used in making automobiles.
A decrease in the nominal tariff rates on imported inputs used in making automobiles.
【单选题】解放后,我国第一个从事接待外国游客的机构是( ),当时该旅行社为外国人来华旅游提供方便,但不承担自费旅游的接待业务。
【判断题】The United Nations Declaration of The Human Environment in 1972 in Stockholm declares 26 principles concerning the preservation and enhancement of the human environment. Among them, Principle 24 decla...