【判断题】Kohonen asserts that students are able to make quite accurate assessment of their own achievements. With peer-assessment students are involed in assessing each others' work. This will give them a sens...
【单选题】The performer was waving his stick in thestree
44. The performer was waving his stick in thestreet and it ___ missed the child standing nearby. (上海春) A. narrowly
【多选题】乳中微生物的来源及控制:乳中微生物从挤乳、收乳到加工的每一个过程都发生变化,主要原因系受外界微生物的污染。污染途径如下:【 】
【简答题】They went out often with a bunch _______ mutual friends.
【多选题】“家鸡打得团团转,野鸡不打满天飞”反映了( )。