听力原文:Narrator Listen to a conversation between two students after a science class. Student A Hi, Nicolas! Student B Hi, Peter! Todays science class, by the way, how do you like it? Student A Its really interesting. Professor Smith defines science as knowledge of facts, laws and relationships that is obtained through systematic observation and experimentation. This is really an accurate definition. Student B Yeah. When we think of science, we normally think of exact sciences like biology, chemistry and physics. But many other branches of science have developed over the past century. Student A Whats more, science is always attached to technology. Student B Professor Smith also gives a definition of technology. Student A Yeah. Professor Smith says that scientific knowledge applied to practical uses is normally referred to as technology. What a simple concept! Student B But its concise and exact. Robotics, for instance, is a branch of technology involving the study and production of manlike machines capable of performing human tasks. You know, some people even predict that, in the not so distant future, robots will be capable of feeling the same emotions as humans. Student A Wow, its hard to imagine an emotionally independent machine, but many of the things we take for granted now were once considered ridiculous dreams. Student B Yeah. Like computers and robots. Student A The technological changes that took place in the 20th century revolutionized virtually every aspect of our life from communication to material comfort. Student B Thats quite true. In the space of two or three generations, people witnessed major advances in medical research, nuclear energy and space exploration. Space exploration, for example, seeks to use space travel to discover the nature of the universe beyond Earth. Since ancient times, people have dreamed of leaving their home planet and exploring other worlds. In the latter half of the 20th century, that dream became reality. The space age began with the launch of the first artificial satellites in 1957. The first human went into space in 1961. Student A Thats right. And we will surely experience more benefits of science and technology in our daily life, such as more sophisticated communication systems, more advanced facilities and equipment, and improved modes of transportation. This will bring us a greater variety of food, a higher standard of living and a more prosperous and stronger nation. Student B But we cannot always be so optimistic. The consequences of technological innovations have not always been positive and the moral and political issues regarding new inventions have often been questionable. Student A Really? In what ways? Student B We have to admit that developments in science and technology have also brought about some disasters. Wars, pollution and new diseases have undermined our confidence in technology. There is less communication and thus greater social distance between people. More people are suffering from mental problems and unemployment is rising. Student A Oh, really a nasty picture, isnt it? So, in your opinion, is science a monster or an angel? Student B Uh, I think science is mainly an angel. Science enables us to experience and enjoy many things that our forefathers couldnt even dream of. Student A Just like a miracle, isnt it? Student B Yeah. Because of science, we can know what is happening all over the world without leaving home. We can order food and other things at home. We can even receive education at home. It is science that has enriched our lives and improved our standard of living. Student A Yeah, I fully agree with you. I think its really nice to live in this modern world. Student B So were really lucky to enjoy all those modern things in todays world, arent we? Student A Yeah. In this modern world, there are so many things that were not available in the past, like television, refrigeration, digital entertainment and computers. They make our life so colorful and enjoyable. I cant imagine a life without all these things. The modern world provides us with so many wonderful objects that our ancestors couldnt even dream of. Student B Right because of all these wonderful things, our life becomes more and more convenient, and we reach higher and higher standards of living. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 1. Which expression is NOT true according to the conversation? 2. According to the conversation, what have people dreamed of since ancient times? Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Student A Wow, its hard to imagine an emotionally independent machine, but many of the things we take for granted now were once considered ridiculous dreams. Student B Yeah. Like computers and robots. Student A The technological changes that took place in the 20th century revolutionized virtually every aspect of our life from communication to material comfort. Student B Thats quite true. In the space of two or three generations, people witnessed major advances in medical research, nuclear energy and space exploration. 3. What does Student B mean when he says this? Student B Thats quite true. 4. How do the students clarify the benefits and disadvantages that science has brought to us? 5. Whats the students general attitude towards science?Narrator Listen to a conversation between two students after a science class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. Which expression is NOT true according to the conversation?
Biology is an exact science.
Robotics is a branch of science.
Science may also bring about disasters.
Science is knowledge of facts and laws.
【简答题】计算机处理信息的过程是( )。 A.输出信息、处理与存储信息、收集信息 B.收集信息、处理与存储信息、输出信息 C.处理与存储信息、收集信息、输出信息 D.输出与处理信息、信息存储、收集信息
【多选题】从信息的不同分类角度,可以有以下哪几项( )。
【简答题】在一次探究成果汇报课上,某同学展示了她的探究实验:取一瓶无色的硫化氢(H 2 S)气体和一瓶无色的二氧化硫气体(SO 2 ),然后瓶口对瓶口抽去玻璃片放置(如图所示),一段时间后,两瓶的内壁上均出现水珠,并且有淡黄色的细微颗粒物附在瓶内壁上(已知是硫单质)。试分析此同学的探究活动取得了哪些成果。
【简答题】决策的依据是() A完全信息 B适量信息 C少量信息 D与信息无关
【简答题】哺乳动物成熟红细胞没有细胞核和具膜的细胞器,是研究膜结构功能的常用材料。当成熟红细胞破裂时,仍然保持原本的基本形状和大小,这种结构称为红细胞影,其部分结构如图所示。研究人员用不同的试剂分别处理红细胞影。结果如下表: ( “ + ” 表示有, “ - ” 表示无 ) 实验处理 蛋白质种类 处理后红细胞影的形状 A B C D E F 试剂甲处理后 + + + + - - 变得不规则 试剂乙处理后 -...
【简答题】在一次探究成果汇报课上,某同学展示了她的探究实验:取一瓶无色的硫化氢(H 2 S)气体和一瓶无色的二氧化硫气体(SO 2 ),然后瓶口对瓶口抽去玻璃片放置(如下图所示),一段时间后,两瓶的内壁上均出现水珠,并且有淡黄色的细微颗粒物附在瓶内壁上(已知是硫单质)。试分析此同学的探究活动取得了哪些成果。
【简答题】在通常情况下,硫化氢(H 2 S)是一种没有颜色、具有臭鸡蛋气味的气体,其密度比空气大,能溶于水而形成氢硫酸.在实验室里常用块状固体硫化亚铁(FeS)跟稀硫酸通过复分解反应来制取硫化氢气体. (1)实验室制取硫化氢气体的发生装置可选用______,收集硫化氢气体应选用______.(均填标号) (2)写出实验室制取硫化氢气体的化学方程式______. (3)向硫化氢的水溶液中滴入紫色石蕊试液时显_...