【单选题】From what she has done we can predict that she is ______enough to make up her own decision and behave in a proper way.
【单选题】She has never done anything for them, they have done everything for her.
【单选题】患儿出生后4天出现口鼻发绀明显,四肢肌张力略高,易惊明显,患儿反应差,血糖2.0mmol/L,诊断为( )
【判断题】1917年 8 月 14 日,中国段祺瑞政府宣布对德奥集团作战。参战形式:以中国农民为主组成“中国劳工旅”开赴西线。主要任务:修路架桥、挖掘战壕、物资运输、装卸货物、清扫地雷、野战救护、掩埋尸体等。仅派往法国的华工就达 14 万余人,近万名华工死在了异国他乡。
【单选题】She has never done anything for them, _______ they have done everything for her.
【单选题】______ her inexperience, she has done quite a good job.