Turing Award & ACM 图灵奖与美国计算机学会 Turing, Alan. M. (1912—1954) is famous as a British theorist of computer science. In 1936 he invented a machine, later called Turing Machine, which has become a crucial part of the foundation of modern computer science. Turing discussed his ideas for the future of machines in mechanizing mental processes: not only chess playing but also the possibility of machines capable of learning. Turing's plan for the ACE [1] was approved in March 1946. Its main foree, however, was in  programming ideas. Turing stressed, that the machine would require no reengineering—only new programming—for a wide range of acti.vities. Turing withdrew from the test in 1948, when nothing had actually been built. The Pilot ACE was later completed in 1950, and was in the vanguard of computing. Turing' s progress lay in advancing computing ideas rather than practice. His underlying goals for computation, in which program modification played a vital part, appeared in his philosophical paper of 1950. This, including the imitation game operational definition of intelligence now known as the Turing test, is still regarded as the foundation of the philosophy of artificial intelligence [2] . Turing Award [3] Turing Award was named for Alan M. Turing. Turing Award is the most prestigious technical recognition in the computer science field. It is sometimes referred to as [4] the "Nobel Prize" of computer science. The Association for Computing Machinery started bestowing this honor in 1966 to persons selected for their contributions to [5] computing. The Association for Computing Machinery is a New York-based scientific and educational organization of computer science professionals, with a worldwide membership of about 80,000. Turing Machine [6] The Turing machine isa mathematical construct, devised by Turing to specify precisely what should he understood by a mechanical process, what would nowadays generally be called an algorithm. Turing's paper gave an analysis of what could be done by people acting mechanically. The key idea is that a machine may have finitely many configurations or states.
table of behavior then lays down precisely what the machine is to do in response to what it has read. Given [7] the general formalism, any particular Turing machine simply is the table of behavior. Turing defined the term computable numbers [8] for those numbers that can be computed by a Turing machine. Turing's analysis picked out what is now known as the halting problem [8] , which refers to predicting what an arbitrary Turing machine will do. It is shown that there is no Turing machine that can perform the required prediction. Turing observed in his analysis that reading a table of behavior and interpreting the entries is itself a mechanical operation. This gave rise to his idea of the universal Turing machine, which is a particular kind of Turing machine that has a table of instructions that it will read the table of instructions of any other Turing machine and do what that Turing machine would have done. In modern terms, this is the function of a digital computer. Turing himself later extended this idea into the discussion of the possible mechanization of all mental processes. Turing machine is now an important concept in the cognitive sciences [10] . Turing Test Turing test is an operational criterion for intelligence introduced by Turing in the paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence", which is generally regarded as a founding contribution to the philosophy of artificial intelligence. The test, which Turing called the imitation game, is its most famous aspect. The interrogator, a human, can communicate with two sources, one human and one machine. The interrogator mus decide which is which [11] . Figure 1 Turing Test His proposal was as follows: Imagine you have a person able to communicate with two others, B and C, only through a teletype or computer link.  This person must try to distinguish B from
simply by asking questions, while those being questioned try to fool the interrogator about their gender. In the Turing test, one of the human participants is replaced by a computer. If the computer is able to convince the interrogator it is the human, Turing argued, it can be said to be intelligent. Turing's test presents the question "Can a machine think?" in a form amenable to experiment. It is intended to circumvent philosophical problems about the nature of mind by introducing an operational definition based on a materialist view [12] in which minds are identified with the functioning of the brain [13] . Turing's test is based entirely on observable output, avoiding the discussion of consciousness. However, many philosophers have continued to hold that human beings have an intrinsic quality that cannot be possessed even by a machine that successfully imitates human behavior.  Other critics wonder whether digital information can be a satisfactory guide to intelligence. But Turing's game does have the merit of taking seriously the word intelligence. The imitation game is only one aspect of Turing's paper, which has more constructive elements that put the ancient mind-matter problem in the scientific arena of the digital machine. Turing holds that computability is fundamental, argues that the action of the brain is computable, and that [14] a computer, as a universal machine [15] can do anything computable. He describes approaches to artificial intelligence through explicit programming and through implicit methods of teaching. Turing vividly illustrates the potential scope of machines as going beyond the mechanical in the everyday sense. An Overview of ACM The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is a major force in advancing the skills of information technology professionals and students. Founded in 1947, ACM is the largest and oldest international scientific and educational computer society in the industry todaY. Organized only a year after the unveiling of ENIAC, the first general-purpose [16] electronic computer, ACM was established by mathematicians and electrical engineers to advance the science and application of information technology. John Mauchly, co-inventor of the ENIAC, was one of ACM's founders. Since its inception, ACM has provided its members and the world of computer science a forum for the sharing of knowledge on developments and achievements necessary to the fruitful interchange of ideas.  Over the years, ACM has flourished along with the industry itself [17] , playing a major role in enriching the quality, form and function of computer usage. The Importance of ACM. Over the past 45 years ACM has played a vital role in disseminating the fruits of scientific efforts within and throughout the scientific and electronic engineering community. ACM' s founders understood the potential of the computer and were responsible for forming the early gathering points for exchange of data and ideas, and most of all, for stimulating others with their enthusiasm to learn and follow this exciting new endeavor. ACM answered the need for a scientific and educational society to publish the latest scholarly opinions and briefs, to provide a forum for the interaction of ideas and concepts, and to consolidate the leadership of a new profession. Its Journal tied together the pioneering efforts on university and college campuses. Much of the discussion after the earliest machines centered on programming—could a way better than basic binary machine code be found to instruct these new marvels? And out of this, with help from ACM members, came FORTRAN and COBOL. ACM was the organization which provided the conferences, committee meetings and publications which gave impetus to these monumental efforts and provided the stimulus for integrity and high academic standards which have remained today as the guiding light and hallmark in computer science. Nearly all the giants [18] of software development have been personally influenced by ACM membership—ACM publications—ACM Special Interest Groups—ACM Chapters and Student Chapters—ACM conferences... and virtually all academic computer science curricula used today stem from ACM's involvement in curricula creation and their efforts to maintain a consistently high level of content in computer science instruction. Awards: ACM sponsors awards to recognize individuals for their technical and professional contributions to the field. Turing Award. It is ACM's most prestigious technical award. It is given to an individual selected for contributions considered to be of lasting and major technical importance to the computer field. Distinguished Service Award:The award is on the basis of value and degree of services to the computing community. The contribution is not limited to service to ACM itself, but includes activities in other organizations and emphasizes contributions to the computing profession at large. Doctoral Dissertation [19] Award:This award is presented annually to the author(s) of the best doctoral dissertation(s) in computer science and engineering. The award includes $1000 plus royalties from sales of the published version. Software System Award:It is awarded to an institution or individual(s) recognized for developing a software system that has had a lasting influence, reflected in contributions to concepts, in commercial acceptance, or both. Outstanding Educator Award: Presented annually to an outstanding educator who is appointed to a recognized educational baccalaureate insti.tution and is recognized for advancing new teaching methodologies, effecting new curriculum development or expansion in Computer Science and Engineering, or making a significant contribution to the educational mission of the ACM. Those who have been teaching for ten years or less are given special consideration. ACM Student Research Competition: Students from universities across the US and around the world can participate in this competition. ACM Special Interest Group, namely SIG [20] conferences
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