【判断题】The emperors of China wanted to keep the process for silk a secret.
【简答题】化学选做题----物质结构 铜是过渡元素.化合物中,铜常呈现+1价或+2价. (1)写出Cu + 的电子排布式______. (2)如图为某铜矿晶体结构单元,该铜矿的化学式______. (3)已知,铜的第一电离能为746kJ?mol -1 ,第二电离能为1958kJ?mol -1 .请结合核外电子排布相关知识解释,铜第二电离能远远大于第一电离能的原因______ (4)对于CuX(X为卤素)而言...
【简答题】The Chengde Mountain Summer Resort is a summer for the emperors of the Qing Dynasty.
【判断题】The emperors of China proclaimed themselves to be "Sons of Heaven" in order to maintain and strengthen their reign over people.
【判断题】In Ming Dynasty, the Palace of Heavenly Purity was the residence of the emperors.
【判断题】The emperors of China advocated “Mandate of Heaven” to verify their legitimacy as rulers.
【简答题】已知A和B为短周期元素,其原子的第一至第四电离能如下表所示: 电离能(kJ/mol) I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 A 932 1821 15390 21771 B 738 1451 7733 10540 (1)某同学根据上述信息,推断B的核外电子排布如图所示,该同学所画的电子排布图违背了 。 (2)ACl 2 分子中A的杂化类型为 。 (3)氢气作为一种清洁能源,必须解决它的储存问题,C 60...
【判断题】The emperors visited the Temple of Heaven on the 8th day of the first lunar month.
【简答题】四种常见元素的性质或结构信息如下表,试根据信息回答有关问题。 (1)写出B原子的电子排布式____________。 (2)A元素的氢化物的沸点比同主族相邻元素氢化物沸点________(填“高”或“低”),其原因是____________________。 (3)D元素的某价态阳离子可与KCN溶液形成一种俗称黄血盐的配合物甲,甲的化学式可表示为 K 4 [D(CN) 6 ],则中心原子D的化合价...
【单选题】The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties prayed for good harvests and good fortune in the____