【判断题】居民委员会、村民委员会不是国家机构。( )
【简答题】居民委员会、村民委员会是基层国家机构。( )
【多选题】《宪法》规定,居民委员会、村民委员会设( )等委员会。
【多选题】Task 1 Mr . McKenna is thinking of a reservation for a conference room . Listen to the conversation and tick off the items that have been mentioned.
【简答题】Task 1 Two college students are discussing their favorite mobile phone brands. Listen to the conversation and tick off the features that have been mentioned for each brand.
【多选题】Task 1 Mr. McKenna is thinking of a reservation for a conference room. Listen to the conversation and tick off the items that have been mentioned.
room set-up/arrangement
【简答题】居民委员会、村民委员会不是国家机构。 ( )
【单选题】粤绣是广州刺绣(简称广绣)和( )的总称,是中国四大名绣之一。