【简答题】案例分析题 第60小题,15分。请将答案写在答题纸指定位置上。 某房地产开发公司(以下简称A公司)在某市商业街开发了一幢商品楼,售价4000元/m(上标)。某甲选中了其中一套三居室,双方签订了购房合同并于2004年2月1日办理了付款交房的手续,并且约定 1年之内办理所有权证书。 某甲因公需要出国1年,为了方便房屋的维护,某甲在2004年2月18日将房屋钥匙交给A公司下属的物业处保管。3月份以后,该...
【单选题】2017年12月31日,某企业“固定资产”科目借方余额为3000万元,“累计折旧”科目贷方余额为1400万元,“固定资产减值准备”科目贷方余额为200万元。2017年12月31日,该企业资产负债表中“固定资产”项目期末余额应列示的金额为( )万元。
【单选题】Of the women writers in the 19th century English literature, ( ) is the only one that deals with the life of the working-class people, represented by her novel Mary Barton .
【单选题】第 15 题(本题:1分) 以下叙述中错误的是
【简答题】阅读理解 I'm seen. I had worked as a box boy at a supermarket in Los Angeles. People came to the counter (柜台) and you put things in their bags for them. And carried things to their cars. It was hard ...
【单选题】Among British economists in the 19th century, ( ) had democratic ideas and sympathized with the working people.
【单选题】第 15 题(本题:1分) 设有定义:int x,y,z;,且各变量已赋正整数值,则以下能正确表示代数式“”的C语言表达式是()。
【简答题】The time for eople th think about shouwing thanks is____. It is now very common for people to ___ online their thanks to the volunteers. The volunteers working in the library seemed to ___ the staff's...
【单选题】•Read the following passage about working in different sized companies. •Are the sentences 16 - 22 'Right' or 'Wrong' ? If there isn't enough information to answer 'Right' or 'Wrong', choose 'Doesn't ...