【单选题】I had my teeth ______ out yesterday because I suffered a lot.
【单选题】依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是( 3 分) ( ) 世界通用语言的英文中,26个字母,字母本身在词义表达上已经不包含任何意义。 ▲ 。 ▲ 。众所周知,汉字本身形成的结构,也存在着书写的审美, ▲ 。古语言,“见字如见人”,正是如此。当我们见到苍劲有力的字迹,我们会感受到书写者刚毅的性格; ▲ 。 ▲ 。 ▲ 。所以,正如程荣教授所说,汉字手写是不应该,也不可能在电子信...
【单选题】以选举为要旨的( )是所有监督举措的的保证,是整个权力运行制约监督体系的精髓。
【单选题】I had suffered a lot of personal blows and felt emotionally stretched. (Para. 2) (请选出正确理解原句的句子)
I had gone through many unfortunate events and felt stressed.
I had an arguement with others and was stretched.
【单选题】—______I had ! —You really suffered a lot.
【单选题】— _____ I had!—You really suffered a lot.
【单选题】--- __ I had! -You really suffered a lot.