【单选题】Which of the following is not mentioned as a reason for the multi-gen home?
【单选题】. A new technique ____, the production as a whole increased by % percent last year.
【单选题】以下最不适合用无领导小组讨论法进行人员选拔的岗位是( )。
【单选题】On ________whole, little children have ________ gift for finding new things. [ ]
【单选题】Which is not one of the eight trigrams?( )
【简答题】在革命战争时期,青年一代满怀( )理想,为争取民族独立、人民解放冲锋陷阵、抛洒热血
【单选题】Everything on the news ________ a whole new meaning when you have a personal connection with the people.