Reading can provide lots of fun for children and teens during summer vacation. Children who read during the summer are better prepared for school when they return to classes in the fall. Public libraries throughout Wisconsin will host summer events to encourage children and young adults to include reading in their summer fun. ●All Star Readers The Milwaukee Public Library will host its 2007 Summer Reading Club for kids from 3 to 18. Signing up starts on June 1 at all Milwaukee public libraries and bookmobile sites. Children aged 6 to 12 are invited to become “All Star Readers” at the Milwaukee library when they sign up for the Summer Reading Club. Children can score a point by reading 10 books or 1,000 pages. When they reach the reading goal, they will win a bag full of prizes. ●Sparkey Spots the Ball Children up to 5 years old can join the read-to-me club, “Sparkey Spots the Ball”. They will receive their own reading folders to record the books read to them by parents, brothers and sisters or relatives. Once they have listened to 20 books, they will win a baseball and a coupon(优惠券)for McDonald’s ice cream. ●X-treme Read Teens between the age of 13 and 18 can join in their own reading program called “X-treme Read”. Teens can read to win movie passes, CDs and more. The library also plans extreme bike races by C4BMX at four libraries in June and July. Check with your local library or Milwaukee Journal Sentinel for the exact dates, times, and places of the demonstrations (集会). 小题1:Students who take part in the reading club can _________. A.take part in extreme bike races B.get a good mark in the final exam C.get better prepared for the new term D.finish their homework ahead of time 小题2:In order to become “All Star Readers” and win a lot of prizes, you _________. A.should be 19 years old B.should be at least 5years old C.must read at least 1,000 pages or 10 books D.should listen to 20 books. 小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage? A.Children up to 5 can not join in the read –to- me club. B.Children can score two points by reading 10 books or 1,000 pages.. C.Teens between the age of 6 and 12can join in “X-treme Read”. D.There are extreme bike races by C4BMX at four libraries in June and July. 小题4:In which club will they win a baseball and a coupon for McDonald’s ice cream.? A.2007 Summer Reading Club B.Sparkey Spots the Ball C.X-treme Read D.All Star Readers
【简答题】某办公楼为砖混结构,建设地点地势平坦,施工场地和室外标高一致均为-0.330m,土壤为三类土,地下水位标高为-2.500m,混凝土基础垫层支模板,土方采用人工放坡开挖,场内双轮车运土,运距150m,回填采用电动夯实机夯填,余土或缺土采用斗容量为0.5m3的反铲挖掘机开挖并装车,自卸汽车运输2km至弃土场或取土场,底层地面构造厚度为180mm,台阶平台部分做法同地面。 要求: 计算土方工程清单工程量...
【简答题】已知某道路土方量采用横截面法计算,见2-25表。 表 2-25 道路土方量计算表 桩号 距离( m ) 挖 方 断面积( m 2 ) 平均断面积( m 2 ) 体积 ( m 3 ) 0+000 50 0 0+050 3.80 50 0+100 4.20 50 0+150 3.60 40 0+200 4.30 50 0+250 4.50 50 0+300 4.20 50 0+350 4.8...
【简答题】某混凝土条形基础,无垫层,基础底宽1.4m,基础长26m,基础底标高-2.000,室外自然地坪标高-0.200,地下常水位标高-1.700,四类土,基础土方人工开挖不放坡,则开挖的干土的工程量为 m3,湿土的工程量为 m3,干土计价应套用定额 (填写定额编号),湿土计价应套用定额 (填写定额编号)。