【单选题】我国现行建设项目工程造价的结构中,工程建设其他费用包括( )。
【判断题】The courtesy title Miss is used for a married woman.()
【单选题】Through the courtesy of a Chamber ____ Commerce, we have learned that you are one of the representative importers of electric goods.
【多选题】某市地铁建设项目进行公开招标,最终由东方建筑公司中标,合同总价为3.5亿元,工期定为一年,承包合同约定按工程预算总额的25%预付备料款;开工后按月结算工程款,并按理论方法扣回备料款;经过计算,双方约定该工程主要材料和结构件金额约占工程总造价的60%。 根据题意,回答下列下列各问题: 我国现行的工程结算方式主要有以下( )几种。
【判断题】(判断题)普通企业可以成为同业拆借市场的主体。( )
【简答题】Through the courtesy of Mr. Smiths, we are giving to understand that your are leading importer of electronic goods in your area.
【简答题】A.etiquette B.ceremony C.manners D.courtesy