【单选题】基于pressure-state-response框架建立管理指标体系应考虑( )方面内容Based on the Pressure-State-Response Framework, which of the following should be considered as the aspects of management index system( )
人类对环境的压力、环境状态、人类应对措施 Human pressure on the environment, the state of the environment, human response measures
环境的承载能力、社会经济状态、环境应对措施 The bearing capacity of the environment, the social and economic status, environmental response measures
人类对环境的压力、社会经济状态、环境应对措施 The pressure of human beings on the environment, the socio-economic state, environmental response measures
环境的承载能力、环境状态,人类应对措施 The carrying capacity of the environment, the state of the environment, and the human response measures
【简答题】保护环境是人类永恒的话题,随着环境的日益恶化,自然灾害越来越多,使得我们认为人类赖以生存的地球已经面临严重的威胁。如何保护环境就成为人类最重要的任务之一,人人应该有责任保护环境保护我们这个地球家园。 请以“How to Protect the Environment”为题写一篇短文,阐述我们应该如何从身边做起来,保护环境。将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。 内容提示:1. 环境越来越糟糕,自然灾害(n...
【单选题】判断下列致病菌中哪种符合此 描述:这是一种细菌,可以进入宿住体内,在其中复制,然后裂解宿住细胞。当宿主细胞被破坏后,增殖后的细菌释放进入环境中,且可感染人类。 Identify the pathogen: It is a bacterial organism that enters into a host, replicates within it, and then lyses the host...