【简答题】______ is a credit that is added another bank's (usually the advising bank) confirmation to the beneficiary. This constitutes a definite responsibility of ______ in addition to the undertaking of the ...
【简答题】• The issuing bank opens and forwards an L/C to the bank in the exporter’s country (the advising bank), usually Bank of China in Mainland China.
【简答题】春天,华兴村村民用扬程为12m、流量为300m 3 /h、效率为80%的水泵抽水灌溉农田.“扬程”和“流量”是水泵的主要性能参数,“扬程”是指抽水机抽水所达到的高度,“流量”是指水泵在单位时间内抽水的体积.已知柴油的热值为3×10 7 J/kg,取g=10N/kg,求: (1)水泵连续正常工作1h,所做的有用功是多少? (2)此水泵的总功率是多少? (3)若此水泵用一柴油机带动,假设柴油完全燃烧所...
【简答题】RS 触发器具有置 0 、 __________ 和 __________ 三种逻辑功能
【单选题】为了防止超压运行,原则上所有压力容器都应装设( )。
【多选题】基本RS触发器在正常工作时,具有 [填空(1)] 、 [填空(2)] 和 [填空(3)] 三种逻辑功能