根据以上内容,回答下列各题。 Passage Five Anyonewho has ever attended a university knows that the quality of lecturers variesgreatly.A feware very effective communicators,conveying thesubstance of their lectures clearly and interestingly and inspiring students towant to know more about the subject.Others produceDulllectures from which the students learn little and which are likely to kill anyinterest they may have in the subject.Lecturing is amajor part of a university lecturers job and it would seem reasonable thateffectiveness in this task should be a major standard in assessing a lecturerfor promotion.However,it isvery often the case that far more weight is siven to such factorsas participationin research,number of publications and even performanceof administrativeDu-ties.My point of view is that alecturers lecturing should be regularly evaluated and that the best people toCalTy out this evaluation are those airectly on the receiving end. It could.of course,be argued thatstudents are not competent to evaluate the academic quality of lectures.If anyone should evaluate lecturers,itshould be their colleagues. However.I am not arguingthat students should be asked to comment on the academic content of lectures,but to evaluate the effectiveness. I suspect that many of the objections to student evaluation stem from the fearsome lecturers have of being subject to criticism by their students.However,lecturers should see such e-valuation as an opportunity to becomeaware ofDefects in their lecturing techniques and thus to become betterlecturers.Such a system should benefit both studentsand lecturers as well ashelpDepartment heads to assess the strengths andweaknesses of their teaching staff. According to the author,all the students know that________.