【简答题】If ____ pairs of electrons are shared, a double bond is formed .
【单选题】男性病人,38岁。腹痛、腹胀20小时,伴恶心、呕吐,肛门停止排气排便。1年前曾行“阑尾切除术”。查体见右下腹手术瘢痕处明显隆起,可见肠型;右下腹压痛、反跳痛、肌紧张,并触及压痛性肿块;无移动性浊音,肠鸣音减弱。血白细胞计数12.8×10 9 /L,中性粒细胞0.85。腹部X线透视:肠管扩张明显,右下腹有假肿瘤阴影。入院诊断“绞窄性肠梗阻”。 最重要的处理措施是
【简答题】翻译: Pairs of shared electrons must spin in opposite directions.
【简答题】Pairs of shared electrons must spin in opposite directions.
【单选题】Pairs of shared electrons must spin in opposite directions. 下列翻译最恰当的是:
【单选题】Pairs of shared electrons must spin in opposite directions
【单选题】下腹部显著增大,触诊有波动感,叩诊呈水平浊音,可见于( )
【简答题】A covalent bond, also called a molecular bond, is a chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms. These electron pairs are known as shared pairs or bonding pairs, and the st...