【简答题】焊接坡口形式有 坡口、 坡口、 坡口、 形坡口、 形 坡口等多种,坡口形式应根据工件的 、焊接方法、 及焊接工艺等进行选择,同时,还应考虑保证焊缝能焊透,坡口 、节省焊条、焊后变形较小及提高生产效率等问题。
【判断题】异节奏流水施工是同一施工过程在各施工段上的流水节拍不相等,不同施工过程 之间的流水节拍也不一定相等的流水施工方式
【单选题】社区矫正对象刘某因故意伤害罪被判缓刑两年。他从小娇生惯养,事事以自我为中心,逐渐造成行为偏执、冲动。矫正初期,无论社会工作者怎样努力,刘某总是沉默不语,消极抵触。但社会工作者坚持真心实意地关心刘某,逐渐使刘某开始对社会工作者敞开了心胸。本案例中,社会工作者坚守了( )的社会工作价值理念。
【单选题】Rate your level of proficiency with managing and maintaining a server environment, including monitoringsystem and server performance, managing Web servers, monitoring and analyzing events, managing so...
I am considered an expert on this. I have successfully done this multiple times without assistance or error. I train or supervise others on this activity. Others come to me when they have questions or need assistance with this.
I have successfully done this without assistance and with few errors, but I do not train or supervise others on this activity.
I am proficient at this. I have successfully done this on my own, but I occasionally require assistance for some types of problems encountered when doing this and/or occasionally make minor errors.
I have successfully done this with the assistance of others or specific instructions.
I am a novice. I have not done this yet or I am learning.
【单选题】甲、乙两同班同学到一个单位求职,甲被录用,乙被淘汰,调查发现,甲通过了四级英语考试,乙没有通过。因此,通过了四级英语考试可能是甲被录用的原因。这种分析方法属于( )