The exhibit below presents the 1997 balance of payments statistics for France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. EXHIBIT : 1997 Balance of Payments of Five Major Countries Billions of U.S. Dollars France Germany Japan U.K. U.S.A. Current Account 39 - 1 94 7 - 167 Exports 284 510 409 279 680 Imports - 256 - 436 - 308 - 300 - 877 Trade Balance 28 74 101 - 21 - 197 Balance of Services 17 - 41 - 54 15 87 Net Income 3 - 2 56 19 - 18 Current Transfers - 9 - 32 - 9 - 7 - 39 Capital and Financial Account - 33 - 1 - 88 - 11 168 Direct Investments - 12 - 33 - 23 - 21 - 11 Portfolio Investments - 24 - 5 29 - 22 308 Other Financial and Capital Flows - 2 36 - 128 25 - 32 Net Errors and Omissions 5 1 34 7 - 97 Official Reserve Account - 6 2 - 6 4 - 1 Source : Adapted from International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics , 1998 Yearbook. According to the exhibit, which statement(s) is/are right about the United Kingdom?
Since imports are greater than exports, the United Kingdom suffers from a negative trade balance at - $21 billion. This figure is somewhat offset by a $15 billion excess of exported services over imported services. Nonetheless, the balance of goods and services is negative at - $6 billion.
Net income received is positive and it overshadows a negative amount of unrequited transfers (current transfers).
The balance of all current transactions with foreigners is therefore positive at $7 billion.
Both direct investments and portfolio investments are negative. Adjusted for net errors and omissions, the capital and financial account remains negative at - $11 billion.
The balance of the current account and the capital and financial account causes a decrease in official reserves by - $4 billion, which shows as a negative official reserve account.