【单选题】Do people have a lot to share when they talk about food? 人们谈论起吃的有很多共同点吗?
【简答题】2014年2月,甲公司因业务需要,将原圆形合同专用章更换成方形合同专用章。但由于工作疏忽,当时未登记收回、销毁圆形合同专用章,由李某保管。两个月后,李某辞职。不久前,甲公司收到一份法院送达的诉状副本,才知道李某用甲公司作废公章,同一家商场订立了购销合同,李某在收到商场30万元的定金后,下落不明。商场遂以违约为由,要甲公司双倍返还定金60万元。 试问:此案应当如何判决?法律依据是什么?
【简答题】混凝土路面全深度补块可分为 、 和传力杆等三类。
【简答题】When they do not have a lot of time, people often do not order a starter, they have the main __________ straight away.
【单选题】当工作行程较长时.采用( )缸较合适。 A、单活塞杆 B、双活塞杆 C、柱塞
【简答题】I was watching this movie on television the other day about a man who did what ever it took to get money. To him, money was 1 . He killed his own brother and even his wife to 2 what he wanted. This ma...