【单选题】You stain membrane proteins with a fluorescent-labeled antibody and notice the membrane is evenly stained. After a few hours, all of the fluorescence is at one end of a cell. You can conclude that ( )...
【多选题】Following vesicle docking, how do SNARE proteins catalyze the fusion of the vesicle and target membranes?
Once appropriately triggered, the tight pairing of v-SNAREs and t-SNAREs draws the two lipid bilayers into close apposition.
The force of the SNAREs winding together squeezes out any water molecules that remain trapped between the two membranes, allowing their lipids to flow together to form a continuous bilayer.
In a cell, other proteins recruited to the fusion site help to complete the fusion process.
After fusion, the SNAREs are pried apart so that they can be used again.