Dear Alumni, Parents and Friends, Noted British politician Sir Winston Churchill once said, 'Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.' What a wonderful expression of the mission before us at K.C. Innovation University! Our path into the future is alive with possibilities. It is ripe with promise, and it is motivated by and challenged with the dreams of young people yet to enter our hallowed halls. We have a mission to help turn those dreams into reality, and we are committed to unparalleled success. Dr. Martinson and his wife Libby, devoted 20 years of their lives to the mission of this university, and I stand in the results of their efforts. What he has done has made my job so much easier, I am now benefiting from his work even though he has left his position. I join with the wonderful staff and faculty of K. C. Innovation University in appreciation for their dedication and vision, and pledge to move that vision forward in exciting and powerful ways. As the summer progresses, we are getting ready for one of the most exciting times in the history of K.C. Innovation University. Earth movers and heavy construction equipment have already begun to break ground for several new buildings and facilities. We will record and report this progress over the next several issues of this publication, and encourage you to return to campus to watch first-hand as the face of your alma mater evolves. In the pages of this magazine, you'll read that our most recent fundraising efforts raised $ 20 million dollars. Don't let the number mislead you we need double that amount--NOW--if we are to brand K. C. Innovation University and promote it as one of America's finest. Our vision is huge, but our focus and dedication are huge. We embrace the vision, and with God's grace and your help, we will succeed. We covet your prayers and your support as together we watch the vision become reality. What is the author trying to prove with the quotation of Winston Churchill?