【单选题】Speakers often get de-railed when they make a mistake. The way to handle that is :()
When you make a mistake, admit it, and try to not do it again
When you make a mistake, MOVE ON, the audience won't even know most of the time!
【多选题】要领是对客观事物的本质属性的反映,它是( )。
makes use of discounted tickets
【判断题】According to Customs Law of China, declaration of import goods shall be made within 10 days from the date of declaration of the arrival of the means of transport.
【单选题】某 III 类水域经监测, COD 的浓度为 16.8mg/L , III 类水域 COD 对应的标准值为 20mg/L , COD 的指数为()