The more books you read, the better your life will be. If you don’t believe me, please consider these five reasons to read more books. You will make your brain power better. This shouldn’t come as a shock, but studies suggest reading makes you smart. Unlike watching television, which requires no thought process, reading is an active learning experience that will keep your mind sharp. You will increase your chances of success. The more books you read, the more knowledge you will have, the more ways and resources your brain will store, the more likely you will succeed. You will have things to talk about at parties. Reading more books will enable you to say the sentence, “Did you know …?” more often, making it easier to start conversations with strangers. You will enlarge your vocabulary. The more words you’re able to use, the better you will become at expressing your thoughts and feelings. I couldn’t imagine how I would write articles like this if I didn’t actively aim to enlarge my vocabulary, because using the same few words to express myself would get boring. You will enjoy a good night’s sleep. Your mobile phone or TV can make it difficult for you to get a good night’s sleep, if you do so late at night. You would be wise to cut off all electronics at least an hour before bed, and replace that with a good book, which is a much better choice. The books can change your life. I firmly believe that if it wasn’t for books, I wouldn’t have achieved in my life; nor would I have the knowledge, imagination(想象力)or creativity创造力). I hope these reasons to read more books encourage you to unlock your power of reading. The more books you read, the better your life will be. 小题1: Details 小题2: your brain power. 小题3: makes you smart and learn actively. Increase your chances of success. You will have more knowledge and your brain will store more 小题4: and resources. Have topics to 小题5: about at parties. You can start a talk more 小题6: with a stranger. Get a 小题7: vocabulary. Using more 小题8: to express oneself must be better. Enjoy a good night’s sleep. You’d better 小题9: a good book to read before going to bed. Books can give you much knowledge, imagination and creativity that you can 小题10: in your life.
【简答题】A.风邪 B.寒邪 C.湿邪 D.燥邪 E.火邪 具有干涩伤津致病特点的邪气是( )
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【简答题】根据下列选项,回答 159~160 题。 第 159 题 具有干涩伤津致病特点的邪气是( )
【简答题】绝对高程和相对高程的基准面分别是 ____ 和 ____ 。
【简答题】A.风邪 B.寒邪 C.湿邪 D.燥邪 E.火邪 具有干涩伤津致病特点的邪气是( ) A. B. C. D. E.
【简答题】具有善行数变致病特点的邪气是()。|具有重浊黏滞致病特点的邪气是()。|具有干涩伤津致病特点的邪气是()。A. 风邪B. 寒邪C. 湿邪D. 燥邪E. 火邪