【单选题】The Greek culture (a culture that avoids uncertainty) tends to
have few formal rules.
enjoy the challenge of risk taking.
【单选题】田中さんは毎日喫茶店へお茶を _____行きます。
【单选题】Which of the following best states the central thesis of this passage?
The value system of Japan is based upon traditional and conservative values which have in modern times, been modified by Western and other liberal values.
Students and radicals in Japan have used Leninist ideology to distort the meaning of democratic, Western values.
The notions of personal freedom and individual liberty did not find immediate acceptance in Japan because of the predominance of traditional group values.
Modern Japanese society is characterized by hierarchical relationships in which a personal tie to a superior is often more important than merit.
【判断题】从“全面建设”到“全面建成”,意味着我们即将实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。( )。
【简答题】为什么说土壤是微生物的 “ 大本营 ” 或是人类最丰富的 “ 菌种资源库 ” ?