【简答题】Determine the degrees of formality in the following three passages and discuss what makes you read in such as way. a. I think your proposal to Smith and Sons is excellent. I have marked a few places f...
【简答题】翻译下列句子,注意划线词语的转译 1.Let us take a serious, reasonable look at what the results might be if such a proposal were accepted.(转译成副词) 2.We must make full use of existing technical equipment.(转译成副词) 3.John w...
【简答题】使用Hill方程能很好地说明别构酶的动力学,Hill方程与米氏方程的主要差别首先是Hill方程中的()被提高到h数量级,h称为()系数;其次,方程中以K0.5取代Km,该常数也被提高了 h数量级。K0.5也是指()。h能够反映()的程度;h=1意味着酶为()酶;h>1则速度对底物浓度作图呈()型曲线,酶具有()性;h<1 , 则 意 味 着 酶 具 有()。 正 协 同 效应意味着酶对环境中底物浓...
【单选题】在下列各个会计报表中,属于反映企业对外的静态报表的是( )。
【判断题】临时到本省、自治区、直辖市行政区域以内从事经营活动的单位或个人,应当向经营地税务机关申请领购经营地的发票。( ) 答案: