【简答题】Why is it important to know how to take a good smart phone self-portrait? Because knowing how to take a good smart phone self-portrait has been ______________ for young people.
【简答题】What is the most useful self-portrait for most people? For most people, the most useful self-portrait is _______ .
【多选题】国务院办公厅关于印发《住房和城乡建设部主要职责内设机构和人员编制规定的通知》国办发[2008]74号规定将城市管理的具体职责交给城市人民政府,并由城市人民政府确定( )等方面的管理体制。我县经县人民政府确定,于2011年10月10日县住房和城乡建设部门将指导城市客运职责移交县交通运输局。
【单选题】This portrait of self-destruction is told through the contrast of two singing sisters, one famous and one ______.
【判断题】《自画像》(Self-Portrait)全名叫《一个头部和肩部朝向左边的三十岁左右的红胡子男人》(A head and shoulders portrait of a thirty something man with a red beard facing to the left)