【简答题】More and more American parents, students, educators, political and business leaders have come to see the importance of Chinese on the world stage. As a result, Americans hoping to learn Chinese are gr...
【单选题】习近平指出,对口援疆是国家战略,必须长期坚持,把对口援疆工作打造成加强民族团结的工程。新疆生产建设兵团要科学处理屯垦和维稳戍边、兵团和地方的关系,在事关根本、基础、长远的问题上发力。国家做好对口援疆工作()。 ①为实现民族团结奠定了政治基础 ②体现了平等团结互助和谐的社会主义民族关系 ③是促进各民族共同繁荣的必然要求 ④是落实民族区域自治,保障少数民族权利的根本性措施
【单选题】Which is not the four important fields American educators have long noted?
【单选题】The president called on educators and politicians to help him __________ American education.