【简答题】Beaucoup de difficultés (résoudre) si nous étions méthodiques.
【单选题】Which information is more general in the paragraph? Because a sprained ankle offers all the benefits of an illness and few of disadvantages, it is a very popular complaint. It never kills anyone, and ...
offers all the benefits of an illness and few of disadvantages
never kills anyone, always gets better in a short time
brings sympathy and is a reason for a week’s absence from school
usually no pain except when the ankle is moved, gives its victims a perfect rest and a delightful reason to be waited on.
【简答题】The definition of pop music is always changing. Whatever, the most popular music at the time is called 1 music. 2 the early 1900s in America, the popular music was called Ragtime. People played it on ...
【判断题】A minicomputer, just like a microcomputer, is so popular that you always have chance to have contact with it.
【简答题】女婴,10个月。腹泻3天,加重2天。暗绿色水样便,每日10余次,量多、腥臭,伴高热、呕吐、少尿。查体:精神萎靡,呈嗜睡状,前囟、眼窝凹陷,皮肤弹性差,心音较低钝,腹胀,肝脾不大。实验室检查:粪镜检有大量脓细胞,血钠135mmol/L,血钾3.5mmol/L。患儿最可能的诊断是A、轮状病毒肠炎 B、金黄色葡萄球菌肠炎 C、细菌性痢疾 D、大肠埃希菌肠炎 E、真菌性肠炎 该患儿腹泻脱水的程度与性质应是...
【简答题】女婴,10个月。腹泻3天,加重3天。暗红色水样便每日10余次,量多,腥臭,伴高热、呕吐、少尿。查体:精神萎靡,呈嗜睡状,前囟眼窝凹陷,皮肤弹性差,心音低钝,腹胀,肝脾不大。实验室检查:粪镜检有大量脓血细胞,血钠135mmol/L,血钾3.5mmol/L。患儿最可能的诊断是A、轮状病毒肠炎 B、大肠埃希菌肠炎 C、金黄色葡萄球菌肠炎 D、细菌性痢疾 E、真菌性肠炎 该患儿腹泻脱水的程度与性质应是A、...