下列关于鞠躬要领正确的排序是: a. 男士双手自然下垂于体侧、女士则将双手在体前轻握,以腰部为轴,腰、背、颈、头呈一条直线,身体前倾 15° ~90° ,视线随之自然下垂,约 1 秒钟恢复原状。 b. 鞠躬的同时致以问候或告别语,如“您好!”“早上好”“欢迎光临”“见到您很高兴”“下次再来!” c. 鞠躬时,身体直立、面带微笑、正对受礼者
【简答题】A.Rome is the most beautiful city. B.Paris is the most beautiful city. C.London is net as beautiful as Paris and Rome. D.Madrid is the most beautiful city.
【简答题】Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is also the most neglect (忽视). Common reasons for not eating breakfast include having no time, not feeling hungry, traditional dislike and dieting. ...