Being Scared Can Be Beneficial to Your Health Being frightened can be good for you. Think about your favorite scary book or movie. What happens when something goes bump in the night or a door creaks, a door slams or glass shatters? It often makes us jump. This reaction is provoked by fear. Fear makes your brain flood with healthy chemical substances that excite your mood and release feelings of euphoria ( 极度兴奋 ) or great excitement. According to Dr. Margee Kerr, a scientist who studies fear, this “powerful chemical punch” includes endorphins ( 内啡肽 ) and dopamine ( 多巴胺 ) --- a natural component in the body that creates feelings of happiness. When you are spooked, your body also produces a chemical called o xytocin ( 催产素,一种激素 ) . This hormone helps people bond with one another. When people share the experience of being scared, it can make them feel closer. So, if you’re at a haunted house ( 鬼屋 ) with some pals, this experience can help solidify your friendship. “ Watch people walking out of a haunted house and you’ll see lots of smiles and high fives,” Kerr says. There is also some evidence that shows being scared can help persons manage stressful situations. Things like giving a presentation in front of your class or performing in a school play can make us fearful and anxious. But these experiences help build a sort of endurance to fear that makes us more confident. “you become more comfortable with physical experience of fear and so you’re better able to work through it during tense situations,” Kerr explains. Though some haunting experiences may be healthy, it’s important to remember that people experience fear in different ways. What may be fun for one person could be too scary for another person. And K err notes that kids younger than the age of six or seven can’t separate real and make-believe. Therefore, seeing something frightening could have lasting and negative effects. But for most people who are old enough, a little “boo” now and then isn’t too bad.