Generally speaking, managers . (履行四项基本职能) 2.Organizations exist . ( 是为了实现某一个目标 ) 3. The textbook on management . ( 是按管理的职能编排的 ) 4. Management should . ( 负责拟定机构的目标,制定全面策略 ) 5. The leading function involves . ( 激励下属,解决员工间的纠纷,指挥他们的行动 ) 6. We (根据你向我们提出的求职申请) and are pleased to offer you the position. 7. (任何一方都可以终止该劳动合同) by giving to the other 1 day’s notice or 1 day’s salary in lieu of notice during probation. 8. If you are guilty of misconduct or any other conduct ( 有损于公司利益或声誉的 ) , the company can terminate the contract without notice. 9. You ( 可能被转岗到本酒店任何部门 ) when management deems it necessary.