【单选题】年金的收付款方式有多种,其中每期期初收付款的年金是( )。
【简答题】His take-off was _________. 他的起跳毫不费力(轻松自如)。
【单选题】The boy was so tired that he fell asleep _____________ his mother could take off his clothes.
【单选题】— Jack has got a bad cold. — Yeah. I told him not to take off his coat, but it was stubborn of him ____my advice.
【单选题】男, 42 岁。进油腻饮食后腹胀、腹痛 4 小时。持续性上腹痛,伴有恶心、呕吐、发热、腰背部不适。査体 :T38.4 ℃, P124 次 / 分, BP90/60mmHg ,急性痛苦貌,巩膜无黄染 , 腹饱满,全腹肌紧张,有压痛和反跳痛,上腹为主,肠鸣音消失。右下腹穿刺抽出淡红色血性液。血 WBC16.2x10 9 /L , N0.9 。血清淀粉酶 6000U/L(Somogyi 法)。 出现这种...
【单选题】The boy was so tired that he fell asleep ______ his mother could take off his clothes.
【单选题】不同食品、不同流通环境,对包装保护功能的要求不同。油炸豌豆要求其包装能( )。
【单选题】蓄电池按照浮充电方式运行,充电次数会 ( ) 。