【单选题】听力原文:M: Susan's father doesn't look like a professor to me. W: You can't judge a book by its cover. Q: What is the woman trying to tell the man? (17)
That Susan's father is a judge.
That Susan doesn't look like her father.
That the man should pay attention to the cover of a book.
That the man shouldn't judge a person only by his appearance.
【简答题】编辑加工题:阅读分析短稿,并按照稿件加工整理的规范进行编辑加工。(本题20 分) 观 光 塔 观光塔是一种具有吸引游客作用的高塔,通常建在城市的中心区域。国人自古就有高瞻远瞩的喜好。唐代李白的诗句"欲穷千里目,更上一层楼"更是成为绵延不断的千古绝唱。 中国古代的塔多为宝塔,它们与现代观光塔的区别是:宝塔是用以藏舍利和经卷的佛教建筑,而观光塔是现代工程技术的产物,至19 世纪末期才开始陆续兴建。观光...
【多选题】根据刑法第十七条规定,已满14周岁不满16周岁的人对下列行为负刑事责任的有( )
【单选题】听力原文:M: Susan likes life in the countryside, doesn't she? W: Yes. She lives there for several weeks every year. What does the woman say about Susan?
She lives in the countryside all the time.
She doesn't enjoy her life.
She hasn't come back from the countryside.
She lives in the countryside for some time every year.
【单选题】选择填空。 Susan can speak Japanese, ______ she doesn't like it at all. [ ]
【单选题】Mr. Smith doesn’t like all that empty talk between Susan and Joan, which he thinks will definitely get them ________.