【简答题】(link to CET4)Fill in the blanks with the words given. Change the form where necessary. aggressive instinct controversy warn off evidently scale remote ...
【单选题】小红同学用托盘天平称量烧杯的质量,天平平衡后的状态如下所示,该同学称取的烧杯实际质量为 [ ]
【简答题】刑法规定,违反进出境动植物检疫法的规定,逃避动植物检疫,引起重大动植物疫情的,处( ),并处或者单处罚金。[2006年第二次考试真题]
【单选题】The legislation was _________ by House Democrats. A. drifted B. drew C. ra d wn D. drafted
【单选题】一个段代码定义如下,下列调用结果正确的是? def bar(multiple): def foo(n): return multiple ** n return foo
【单选题】The thief went into the house at midnight, only ______ by the policemen hiding there.