【单选题】黄茶按鲜叶老嫩不同,可分为( )三大类。 A. 蒙顶茶、黄大茶、太平猴魁 B. 信阳毛尖、黄大茶、洞庭茶 C. 黄金桂、黄小茶、都匀毛尖 D 黄芽茶、黄小茶、黄大茶
【单选题】NOTICE As you may know, the College of Education runs a series of short summer course for foreigners (aged 14-18) in July and August every year. Unfortunately the college hotel is too small to accoman...
Mr. Smith, and old man who lives in a one-room flat.
Mrs. Jones, a lady who has a spare room in her house.
Mr. Smith, a young man who lives in a house as a tenant.
Juana, a girl student who comes from Spain to attend the summer courses.
【单选题】Notice As you may know, the college of Education runs a series of short summer courses for foreigners (aged 14-18) in July and August every year. Unfortunately the college hotel is too small to accom...
Mr. Smith , an old man who lived in a one-room flat.
Mrs. Jones, a lady who has a spare room in her house.
Mr. Smith, a young man who lives in a house as a tenant.
Juana, a girl student who comes from Spain to attend the summer courses.
【简答题】李女士,24岁,已婚,末次月经2005.7.2,停经40天出现恶心厌油,现停经10周。今晨上班途中感觉有液体从阴道流出,并伴有下腹隐痛。后发现阴道分泌物为血性,呈暗红色。患者比较紧张,遂来医院就诊。 问题: 1 )李女士最可能发生的情况是什么? 2 )为了明确诊断,需要进行的辅助检查最主要的有哪几项? 3 )妇查:阴道少许血液,宫口未开,子宫如孕月大小,予保胎治疗,对其进行恰当的护理。 4 )经过...
【简答题】李女士,24岁,已婚,末次月经2005.7.2,停经40天出现恶心厌油,现停经10周。今晨上班途中感觉有液体从阴道流出,并伴有下腹隐痛。后发现阴道分泌物为血性,呈暗红色。患者比较紧张,遂来医院就诊。 问题: 1 )李女士最可能发生的情况是什么? 2 )为了明确诊断,需要进行的辅助检查最主要的有哪几项? 3 )妇查:阴道少许血液,宫口未开,子宫如孕月大小,予保胎治疗,对其进行恰当的护理。 4 )经过...
【单选题】(NOTICE / As you may know, the College of Education runs a series of short summer courses for foreigners (aged 14-18) in July and August every year. Unfortunately the college hostel is too small to ac...
Mr.Smith, an old man who lives in a one-room flat.
Mrs. Jones, a lady who has a spare room in her house.
Mr. Smith, a young man who lives in a house as a tenant.
Juana, a girl student who comes from Spain to attend the summer courses.
【单选题】Mr. Green is a short man _____ long hair.
【简答题】-女性,停经40周,阵发性腹痛2小时,未流血、流水,全身检查未发现异常,产科检查:胎心好,官缩1次/7~8分钟,子宫颈未开,先露部未人盆,骨盆人口前后径16cm,辅助检查正常。可对该产妇实施A. 会阴侧斜切开术 B. 胎头吸引术 C. 备产钳术 D. 会阴正中切开术 E. 剖宫产术