Life in the Year 2040 Do you forget to turn off the lights and heaters when you go out, of a room? In 2040 it will not matter.They will turn themselves off—and on again when you turn. You will choose the temperature for each room, the lighting and the humidity. A sensor will detect the presence of a human (and, with luck, ignore the dog! ) and turn the systems on , and when the humans leave it well turn them off again. The sensors will work through the central home computer, and they will do much more than just turn the fires and lights on and off for you. They will detect faulty electrical appliances, plugs or switches, isolate them so that they cannot harm anyone, and then warn you that they need repair. They will detect fire and if you are out of the house, the computer will call the fire brigade. It will also call the police should the sensors detect an intruder. This will not be too difficult because the locks on the outside doors will be electroniC.You will open them using your personal card the one you use for shopping maybe, using a number known only to you. It will be impossible to lose the key, and a housebreaker will have to tamper (拨弄) with the lock or with a window. It is not very difficult to make such tampering send a signal to the computer. The computer will be more than a fireman-policeman-servant. It will be an entertainer, and most of your entertainment will come right into your home. It does now, of course, but by 2040 'entertainment' will mean much more. For one thing, you will be able to take part actively, rather than just watching. 第 52 题 The author intends to tell us that_________
in 2040 we will live without the lights and heaters
in 2040 we will use much more lights and heaters
in 2040 there will be no switches of lights and heaters
in 2040 lights and heaters will be on and off automatically
【简答题】某企业某月末有关账户的余额资料如下 其中:“应收账款”明细账户金额:A公司借方余额81900;B公司贷方余额25300;C公司贷方余额3200。“应付账款”明细账户金额:D公司贷方余额102000;E公司借方余额37200。 要求:根据上述资料,计算资产负债表中的货币资金、存货、应收账款、预付账款、固定资产、应付账款、预收账款、未分配利润、短期借款、实收资本等项目的金额,并列出必要的计算过程。
【简答题】某企业8月末有关账户的余额资料如下。 “应收账款”明细账户金额:A公司借方余额81900元;B公司贷方余额25300元;C公司贷方余额3200元:“应付账款”明细账户金额,D公司贷方余额102000元;E公司借方余额37200元;现金借方余额900元;银行存款借方余额50000元;其他货币资金借方余额20000元。 要求:根据上述要求计算资产负债表中的应收账款、预收账款、应付账款、预付账款、货币资...
【简答题】某企业某月末有关账户的余额资料如下: 账户名称 借方余额 账户名称 贷方余额 库存现金 1 000 短期借款 40 000 银行存款 30 740 应付账款 800 应收账款 53 400 应交税费 16 400 原材料 56 000 实收资本 454 000 库存商品 72 460 本年利润 248 000 生产成本 12 800 累计折旧 143 200 固定资产 650 000 利润分...
【简答题】某企业某月末有关账户有余款资料如下: 其中:库存现金借方余额 1200 元,银行存款借方余额 51000 元,其他货币资金借方余额 12600 元;原材料借方余额 42000 元,库存商品借方余额 53000 元,周转材料借方余额 3250 元,生产成本借方余额 9200 元; “ 固定资产 ” 账户借方金额 65000元 ,累计折旧账户贷方余额 32000 ; 本年利润贷方余额32 6000 ,...
【单选题】Tarea 5 - 26: El objetivo principal de esta nueva actividad es...
mostrar los barrios típicos de una ciudad.
enseñar literatura española.
mostrar varias ciudades en una ruta.
【简答题】某企业某月末有关账户有余款资料如下:其中:现金借方余额 900 ,银行存款借方余额 50 000 ;其他货币资金借方余额 20 000 ,原材料借方余额 5400 元,库存商品借方余额 6720 元,在途物资借方余额 1730 元,生产成本借方余额 6730 元,固定资产账户借方余额 381 900 元,累计折旧贷方余额 85000 ,本年利润贷方余额 50000 ,利润分配借方余额 25600 ...
【简答题】某企业某月末有关账户的余额资料如下: 单位:元 其中有关明细账余额: 应收账款———A公司(借方)81 900元 应付账款——A公司(贷方)102 000元 ——B公司(贷方)25 300元——B公司(借方)37 200元 要求:根据上述资料,计算资产负债表中项目的金额,并列出必要的计算过程。 (1)货币资金 (2)存货 (3)①应收账款 ②预付账款 (4)固定资产 (5)①应付账款 ②预收账款
【简答题】某企业某月末有关账户有余款资料如下: 其中:库存现金借方余额 3200 元,银行存款借方余额 78000 元,其他货币资金借方余额 32 400 元;原材料借方余额 54000 元,库存商品借方余额 67000 元,委托加工物资借方余额 1450 元,生产成本借方余额 69300 元; “ 固定资产 ” 账户借方金额 50000元 ,累计折旧账户贷方余额 45000 ; 本年利润贷方余额1 500...
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【简答题】某企业某月末有关账户的余额资料如下: 账户名称 借方金额 账户名称 贷方金额 库存现金 1000 短期借款 40000 银行存款 30740 应付账款 800 应收账款 53400 应交税费 100 原材料 56000 实收资本 454000 库存商品 72460 本年利润 248000 生产成本 12800 累计折旧 143200 固定资产 650000 利润分配 90000 合计 合计...