【简答题】设数列{a n }是公差为d的等差数列,其前n项和为S n . (1)已知a 1 =1,d=2, (ⅰ)求当n∈N * 时, S n + n 的最小值; (ⅱ)当n∈N * 时,求证: 2 S 1 S 3 + 3 S 2 S 4 +…+ n+1 S n S n+2 < 5 16 ; (2)是否存在实数a 1 ,使得对任意n,关于m的不等式a m ≥n的最小解为3n-2?若存在,则求...
【简答题】Choose the BEST TERM to match the definition and translate the selected term into Clunese. A) Ablation L) Nanocomposites B) Adhesion M) Nettingindex C) Cohesi...
【简答题】Choose the BEST TERM to match the definition and translate the selected term into Chinese (20pts). A) Atomic packing factor (APF) R) Long-range-order materials B) Characterization ...