【多选题】是苹果、草莓、菠萝、香蕉等多种水果的 ,它是以 为前体合成的
【判断题】1988年《红高粱》荣获第38届德国柏林国际电影节最佳影片金熊奖。( )
【判断题】1988 年《红高粱》荣获第 38 届德国柏林国际电影节最佳影片金熊奖。( )
【单选题】There are some well-known theories about the origin of language though some of them have now been discredited. The following are some of them, except____.
the “pooh-pooh” theory
【单选题】There are some well-known theories about the origin of language, among which______ proposes an extremely specific connection between physical and oral gesture.
the oral-gesture theory
【单选题】男性,40岁,诊断肝硬化3年。1个月来,右上腹疼痛,乏力,4小时前突然腹痛加剧来急诊。查体:四肢湿冷,心率122次/分。BP9.3/6.7kPa(70/50mmHg),腹膨隆,稍紧张,有压痛,反跳痛,肝肋下3cm,不光滑,移动性浊音阳性,肝浊音界存在,应立即作哪项检查最合适( )
【判断题】There are some well-known theories about the origin of language, among which the oral-gesture theory proposes an extremely specific connection between physical and oral gesture.