【单选题】患者男性,28岁,胸部撞伤后1小时来医院,病人极度呼吸困难,发绀,出冷汗,查体:血压80/60mmHg,气管向左侧移位,右侧胸廓饱满,叩诊呈鼓音,呼吸音消失。颈、胸部广泛皮下气肿。胸部x线检查诊断:右侧第5肋骨骨折,血气胸。医生采取胸腔闭式引流治疗。 护士巡视病房时,发现引流管衔接处脱节,应立即作出的处理是
【简答题】December 25th is Christmas Day. In most countries it is the most important day in the year. All the people come back to their homes to have the day with their parents or their children. On Christmas D...
【简答题】Christmas is the more important
celebration than Thanksgiving Day.
【简答题】阅读理解 Christmas is a religious holiday. It is the day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a happy holiday. Families come together to share their happiness, go to church, and ...