【单选题】In preparing a company's statement of cash flows complying with IAS 7, which, if any, of the following items could form part of the calculation of cash flow from financing activities?1. Proceeds of sa...
【简答题】【背景资料】 某安装公司分包一商务楼(一至五层为商场,六至三十层为办公楼)的变配电工程,工程的主要设备(三相干式电力变压器、手车式开关柜和抽屉式配电柜)由业主采购,设备已运抵施工现场。其他设备、材料由安装公司采购,合同工期60d,并约定提前1d,奖励5万元人民币,延迟1d,罚款5万元人民币。 安装公司项目部进场后,依据合同、施工图、验收规范及总承包的进度计划,编制了变配电工程的施工方案、进度计划、...
【多选题】明清以来,制壶名家涌现,“四大名家”是指董翰、时朋( )
【单选题】How did the ECB’s Security Market Program acquire Greek, Irish and Portuguese government bonds in 2010-2011?
By buying those bonds from those governments
By buying securities backed by those government bonds and foreclosing on the bonds when the securities were not paid
By buying the bonds on the secondary markets
By loaning money to private companies which bought the bonds and then used the government bonds to repay the loans
【单选题】商务谈判策略的( )是指策略本身所要解决的问题,是策略运筹的核心。
【单选题】商务谈判策略的( )是指策略本身所要解决的问题,是策略运筹的核心。
【多选题】整合营销策划思路共包含以下几个步骤? () ABCD