【简答题】2005年诺贝尔化学奖授予法国和美国的三位科学家,以表彰他们在烯烃复分解反应研究方面作出的重要贡献。烯烃复分解反应过程被化学家描述为“交换舞伴的交谊舞”。 (I)下列图示可以被理解为烯烃复分解反应过程的是( )。 (II)烯烃复分解反应实现了在一定条件下烯烃中碳碳双键两边基团的换位。如: 又已知:两个醛分子在一定条件下可以发生加成反应: 现仅以丙烯为有机原料,经过下列反应可以分别合成重要的...
【单选题】Which of the following is NOT a stage of the data preparation process?
【简答题】A. Getting your thoughts down on paper is not the final stage of writing a good paragraph or essay. B. There remains the rewriting of the first draft so as to shape your idea into a carefully style co...
【简答题】A. Getting your thoughts down on paper is not the final stage of writing a good paragraph or essay. B. There remains the rewriting of the first draft so as to shape your idea into a carefully style co...
【单选题】It is the stage when students read through their writings and check the clarity of ideas or the logical development of their arguments. Also, students check carefully the grammar, spelling and punctua...
Listening for the gist
【单选题】It is the stage when students read through their writings and check the clarity of ideas or the logical development of their arguments. Also, students check carefully the grammar, spelling and punctua...
Listening for the gist
【单选题】28 陆游《游西山村》一诗中具有哲理意味的名句是( )。