【简答题】read the following sentences for workplace communication and match each one with Chinses version .
【简答题】写在作业本上,抄写题目,清晰拍照上传。上交后,核对答案并订正。 一、翻译下列字词句。 奈若何 驰走 平明 绐 辟易 籍独不愧于心乎? 购 吾为若德 二、根据两节网课内容以及课文,分析项羽的人物形象特点。 三、项羽该不该过江东,历来意见不一。读课后古诗并思考,填写下列表格。 项羽该不该过江东 理由 杜牧《题乌江亭》 李清照《夏日绝句·咏项羽》 王安石《乌江亭》 我的看法
【简答题】Match each one with its Chinese version.
【简答题】Deriction: Listen to the following sentences and match each one with its Chinese version
【简答题】match each one with its Chinese version.
【简答题】Study the words and match each one with its Chinese meaning.